Practical Wisdom

Discovering The Many Benefits of Rest

Discovering The Many Benefits of Rest

By Sharon Gamble

I came across a Bible verse the other day that reminded me of my reluctant submission to the concept of rest.   Here it is: …In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.  (Isaiah 30:15).  

That part about “you would have none of it?”  That was me.  [Continue Reading...]

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by Kimberly Amici

This year, let’s go beyond the good intentions and create a plan that will help us achieve those things that are on our heart. But where and how do you start? A good place to start is by creating SMART goals. The acronym SMART stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. When creating goals for the New Year here are some things to consider:

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What's Your One Word for the New Year?

What's Your One Word for the New Year?

by Elise Daly Parker

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Happy New Year!

Did you choose your One Word for the New Year?

I have been reflecting, thinking, praying and have finally come up with my One Word for the New Year. Before I tell you what it is let me tell you a little about my journey. [Continue Reading...]

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5 Gifts You Can Give A Parent Of A Child With Special Needs

5 Gifts You Can Give A Parent Of A Child With Special Needs

by Noelle Rhodes

Being a parent of a child with significant struggles has made the journey of parenting...unique. Though at times, it has been hard and heartbreaking, it has turned out to be a great adventure that has changed my life forever. It has deepened my faith and has taught me huge life lessons. [Continue Reading...]

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Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Your Kids God’s Word

Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Your Kids God’s Word

by Kimberly Amici

A great way to keep God’s Word on our lips and in our thoughts is through Scripture memory. Memorizing Bible verses fills our mind with truth and builds our faith. Over the years, I have found a few things that make Scripture memory easy and fun.

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Life on Purpose - 5 Easy Steps to Fine Tune Your Family’s Mission Statement

Life on Purpose - 5 Easy Steps to Fine Tune Your Family’s Mission Statement

by Kimberly Amici
Finally, it was time for my husband and I to take all those wonderful things that we already wrote down in the Mission Statement Discussion Sheet and Family Culture Discussion Sheet and weave them together to form our Family Mission Statement. We learned a lot by going through the process and found it really worthwhile. Hopefully you will too. [Continue Reading...]

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Life on Purpose – How to Create a Family Culture with Free Download

Life on Purpose – How to Create a Family Culture with Free Download

How do we prevent the values, beliefs, and expectations we have for our family from getting lost in the shuffle of our modern-day life?

That’s the question my husband and I asked ourselves just a few months back. We talked about what we wanted our family to look like; it wasn’t the over scheduled, disconnected, and burnt out family we were becoming. So we decided the best way change our course was to create a family mission statement and have a discussion about family culture. [Continue Reading...]

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Great Ideas for No-Fuss Summertime Family Fun

Great Ideas for No-Fuss Summertime Family Fun

by Cathy Baker

For several years, our family has had lots of fun with this simple idea during the summer months. You take the letters of the alphabet and you come up with 26 activities – one for each letter of the alphabet. 

So you don’t have to think of all the ideas on your own, I’ve compiled a huge list of them into this ebook, A to Z Summer Fun, available on amazon. The activities range from free to adventurist, and are adaptable for preschoolers through teens.  My girls are already making plans for this summer’s list! [Continue Reading...]

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How to Keep the Sabbath in a World That Never Rests

How to Keep the Sabbath in a World That Never Rests

By Susan Panzica

The command to observe the Sabbath is the fourth among The Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 31:15. This is a commandment with by far the most instruction but, even within Christian circles, it seems to be dismissed as optional by our busy society. [Continue Reading...]

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5 Helpful Tips for Living in Community

5 Helpful Tips for Living in Community

By Micalagh Beckwith Moritz

eing in real relationships is sometimes a difficult, scary concept; it is not easy to open ourselves up to the possibility of our own weaknesses being revealed or getting hurt. Engaging in a deeper community takes courage, and here are some things that have been helpful for me along my journey: [Continue Reading...]


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5 Ways to Keep Up with Your Favorite Online Content

5 Ways to Keep Up with Your Favorite Online Content

by Kimberly Amici

Blogs are more popular then ever before. And while it’s exciting to have so much content, information, and inspiration to choose from online, it can also leave us thinking, How do I read it all?

Many of us don’t have time to stop by and read the latest posts on the blogs we follow regularly. What happens if we want to read something new from a new writer, on a different topic than our usuals? [Continue Reading...]

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What Kind of Legacy are You Leaving Your Children?

What Kind of Legacy are You Leaving Your Children?

By April Sliwak for the Glory of God

I come from a family of “yellers.” I never thought anything of it; raising our voices when we spoke to one another was common. Then, my oldest daughter, at about four years old, asked me one day, “Mommy, why are you always angry and yelling at me?” I stopped in my tracks. I realized instantly, by the grace of God, that I was communicating in the only way I knew, and it wasn’t pretty. [Continue Reading...]

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Life on Purpose - How to Create a Mission Statement for You, Your Marriage, or Family

Life on Purpose - How to Create a Mission Statement for You, Your Marriage, or Family

by Kimberly Amici

Things turning out the way I planned.

When my husband and I first got married, we talked about many wonderful ideals for our family. We wanted a welcoming home with an open-door policy, a family that loves and serves God together, a simple life that prioritizes relationships.  

Years later, the values, beliefs, and expectations we had for our family were getting lost in the shuffle of our modern-day suburban life. [Continue Reading...]

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5 Cures for Homesickness and Loneliness

5 Cures for Homesickness and Loneliness

By Noelle Rhodes

Make no mistake about it, I absolutely love living in Ireland! There is truly no place as beautiful as this island. Yet I still suffer from occasional bouts of homesickness. From time to time, I pine for the place that I call “home.” I dream of the scenes, the smells, the faces that I have been far away from. I begin to feel lonely…and disconnected from both the place I miss and the place where I presently live.

Here are a few things that I have done to cure my occasional bouts of homesickness. [Continue Reading...]

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Real Food: Three Simple Steps to Eating Healthier

Real Food: Three Simple Steps to Eating Healthier

by Tiffany at Don't Waste the Crumbs

Our kitchen was filled with all sorts of boxes that were supposed to be food, but very little food itself.  This was the result of a year worth of couponing and stocking up when the prices were too good to pass up.  Of course it was never my intention to feed my family boxes, but manufacturers don't issue coupons for bananas or beans or whole chickens.  We were on a very tight budget, so I used coupons and bought only what was on sale.  Unfortunately, that meant we were buying mostly food that came in boxes. [Continue Reading...]

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Being Sure You’re Doing What God Has Planned for You

Being Sure You’re Doing What God Has Planned for You

By Amy Carroll

I was afraid to risk hope. 

In my previous post, Without a Net , I shared about my journey to dive into a new idea from God while letting go of my own backup plan.  It was scary to bring a proposal to launch a coaching service for speakers that was beyond my formal education and different than anything I had accomplished in the past. [Continue Reading...]

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The Least of These – Offering Warmth in the Dead of Winter

The Least of These – Offering Warmth in the Dead of Winter

By Toni Campbell

Throughout the evening, the snow had silently fallen, blanketing everything under six inches of pristine whiteness.  Most people had made what my friend calls their “French toast run” – the obligatory dash for bread, milk, and eggs.  When morning broke bright and clear, my urban neighborhood was uncharacteristically quiet.

I slept until the cat pawed my face for her morning meal. Once she was fed, I put the tea kettle on and sat at the dining room table to read my Bible.  It wasn't long before the sounds of metal scraping concrete filled the air as people dug out. [Continue Reading...]

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Why You Need to Swing Into Your Dream Without a Net

Why You Need to Swing Into Your Dream Without a Net

By Amy Carroll

A new year is a time ripe for the launch of a new dream. Here’s my story about swinging into space toward a new dream and without the net of my backup plan.

I stared gloomily at the tops of my students’ heads as they worked on their newest assignment.  How could I be so completely miserable in a job that had once brought me such joy?  Where had the girl gone who wanted to be just like her favorite teacher, Mrs. Warren? [Continue Reading...]

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Making a Birthday Quilt That Celebrates Friendship

Making a Birthday Quilt That Celebrates Friendship

By Noelle Rhodes

Our little girl was turning five.

It had been a big year for her. We moved to a new city over the summer and she started a new school this fall. We felt like the best way to celebrate her was to throw her a really fun 5th birthday party: A RED RIDING HOOD BIRTHDAY!  

We were able to rent an authentic thatched roof cottage to host the party (one of the perks of living in Northern Ireland). Several friends pitched in and helped make buns, scones, and sandwiches. Interns from our church offered up their face-painting services and helped decorate the cottage for the party. [Continue Reading...]

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The World-Wide-Webs We Weave

The World-Wide-Webs We Weave

I caught myself doing it again this morning...

Waking with intentions of having a quiet time, but instead finding myself caught in the tangled world wide web of Pinterest. Yes, Pinterest - instead of starting my day with Jesus.

I wake early for Him. I make coffee to sit with Him. I grab my Bible to read about Him. I open my computer to blog about Him, but without warning or reason, I open a second window and start to Pin. But nothing about Him.

Social media could be the death of quiet times as we know them if we aren't careful. [Continue Reading...]

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