First Friday Book Faves - November 2015 and Link up



That's the question we will be asking COF contributors and you, our readers, each month. Is there a book that you just can't seem to put down, that's teaching you a profound spiritual lesson, or making you laugh amid your struggles? We want to hear about it!


  • Tell us in the comments what you are reading.
  • Take a picture of what you are reading and post it to your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the hashtag #FFBF
  • LinkUp a book review blog post about a favorite book you've read.

BTW, you don't have to wait for the first Friday of every month to see what our contributors are reading, you can follow them on Goodreads!

Kristin Hill Taylor

Girl Meets Change by Kristen Strong

As I've navigated a new season that includes multiple changes in parenthood, friendships, and daily life, I’m grateful to have Kristen Strong’s Girl Meets Change as a companion. Her words remind me that God has a purpose with the seasons we experience. This book is packed with truth, wisdom, and love that truly will help carry you through life’s transitions.

I've typed out all the lines I underlined and paragraphs I starred because I know I'll want to revisit these nuggets of truth and encouragement over and over again. I've recommended the books to friends, generally on Facebook, and specifically to people as it pertains to their lives. And I've seen evidence that God has used Kristen's words to change my perspective of change.

Follow Kristin on Goodreads

Susan Panzica

One Minute After You Die by Erwin W. Lutzer

I am speaking this month at "Homeward Bound," a women's retreat based on Heb. 13:14: For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. We will explore our eternal destination, and how to live in this world with that eternal perspective. In preparation for the retreat, I am drinking in One Minute After You Die, where Erwin Lutzer uses Scripture to peel back the curtain of heaven providing an encouraging glimpse of the life beyond this one on earth.

Micalagh Beckwith Moritz

Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year by Anne Lamott

My cousin recently mailed this book to me, and I sat on my back porch with a cup of coffee to start reading it. Within the first few pages, I was alternating between crying and laughing, and sure that my neighbors thought I was crazy. Given the fact that I have a five-month-old, I can relate to a lot of what Anne writes about - the sleepless nights, the crying, the wonder, and the intense love. Lamott writes about motherhood with wit, irreverence, and a deep faith.

Kimberly Amici

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Right now my house is in disarray because we are in the middle of a major renovation. I know that boxes packed in corners and accumulated clutter can't be avoided, but I still feel the overwhelming desire to stay organized. After seeing this book being raved about on social media I couldn't help but purchase it when I saw it at Costco last month. The KonMari Method promises a revolutionary category-by-category system that leads to lasting results. I have only read just a few chapters but am really looking forward to reading more and implementing the method as soon as the "dust settles" around here.

Follow Kimberly on Goodreads.

Elise Daly Parker

The Art of Work - A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do by Jeff Goins

This is at once an inspirational and a practical book. It’s about your calling - believing you have one, listening for it, discovering it, exploring it, and living it. There are exercises to help you uncover your calling. And there are questions to challenge, such as “You have to imagine your own death. When your times comes what will you regret not doing?” One of the things I like about what Jeff has to say regarding our calling is that it is not necessarily one thing but the unfolding of many things. Jeff refers to this as a portfolio life, a life that “embraced a diverse set of activities that formed a complete identity.” It does not come necessarily as a light bulb moment but rather as a gentle consistent prodding. And our discovery may come through failure instead of success. I found this book encouraging.

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