
Summer Slice - More with Kristen Kill on Finding Selah

Summer Slice - More with Kristen Kill on Finding Selah

Join us for Part 2 of the conversation we had with Kristin Kill on Selah. We’re talking about giving ourselves permission to rest and participate in those things that refresh us and how it can ultimately point us to Christ. We also touch on the ups and downs of Sabbath and why it’s hard for some people to take a vacation.

Episode 54 Self Care vs. Self Comfort

Episode 54 Self Care vs. Self Comfort

As women, we spend a lot of our time nurturing others. Sometimes that can leave us worn out and run down. The answer? Self Care. It is not a selfish act but rather the way we steward the life we have been given. When we take care of ourselves we are ultimately better women, wives, and moms.

Both care and comfort are necessary. Today we are discussing the benefits and differences of both and how we incorporate them into our lives.

Episode 50 Kristin Kill on Finding Selah

Episode 50 Kristin Kill on Finding Selah

On the show today we’re talking with special guest Kristen Kill about selah—the pause, rest, or interlude between the notes in a song. More than merely an empty space, Selah is a holy shift, a pause, and a reorientation. It is a gift from God even in our busiest places. Join us as we dig a little deeper into what it really means to find rest.